First of all, I want to share with my readers a narration on how I decided to set up this blog (and to sell online, subsequently).
Back in 2007, after I just left the wonderful world of employment, I started to take my handcrafting hobby more seriously. Why jewelry making? Why not scrapbooking, or sewing, or knitting? you might ask. Personally, I love jewelries. They are nice to look at, they enhance someone's appearance, and therapeutic at the same time. By therapeutic, I mean that both literally and figuratively. At that time, I had no intention whatsoever to sell my works or even keep a record of it. I just wanted to develop my skills, and dominantly, to have an outlet of my artistic expression.
Things began to brew when I went back to my hometown Jakarta later on that year. I brought back with me some of my works to be given as gifts for my mum and sister. My dear sister, freshly motivated after her then recent venture of establishing a new business, saw this as an opportunity too. We're not that kind of family with business blood running in our veins, no, we're just a bunch of siblings that love to draw up plans, and then ponder over it, often for too long that we just completely abandon the plans.
Luckily, this time me and my sister didn't abandon this particular plan. While I love to create things, I lack the knowledge to make my works go public. For instance, I know how to open an account and set up a blog, but I don't know what to write in it! (Okay, maybe this is related to writing skills?)
I told her that what if I just focused on creating, and she handled the marketing? Which she agreed, although we both didn't have the slightest idea on how my sister would handle that marketing aspect.
Long story short, we decided to sell online as it would be far more cheaper than opened up a physical shop, and it would affect my selling price, which I intented to be affordable for many.
The purpose of this blog
I decided to maintain this blog for keeping a record of my works, an effort to discipline myself to be more organized. And to share with my readers (hopefully) the process of my jewelry making, also as a gallery of my works.
The blog choice of language
I originally come from Indonesia, speaking bahasa Indonesia all the way until I left the country before I reached my twenty years. Then I moved to Taiwan and began to learn speaking and writing and reading Mandarin. And English too, all painfully learned. English is chosen for the convenient purpose, so that my friends in Indonesia and Taiwan can access this blog.